‘Fight 2’ Inclusion Revolution - For the Parents!
Improving inclusion by delivering better student outcomes for well-being and belonging
Anyone working in education knows the challenges of inclusion when it comes to students - and the tensions between SEND parents and carers with schools can make or break outcomes for students. With unprecedented student attendance figures and more homes choosing online learning and home schooling, what can schools do to make their most underserved young people feel welcomed and wanted?
In this webinar, Nic will focus on putting family-needs first, how to best communicate for authentic parental engagement, as well as better understand the current national picture for SEND.
This is not only good for understanding the 'why' of inclusion, but how we design a model of safety - and help classrooms become the safe place and means of opportunities for all students. Through these approaches schools can achieve better outcomes such as attendance, behaviour and improved performance, whilst reducing stress, conflict and an improved experience for all.
The speakers:
Nic Ponsford, Founder, Global Equality Collective
Frances Akinde, SEND Advisor/ Former Headteacher with over 20 years experience in education
Ellie Costello, Director of SquarePeg & Not Fine In School, award-winning social enterprise, effecting change for children who struggle to attend school and their families
The session will include
- Stats on SEND inclusion
- Why is the system not working for families?
- What can we do about it?
- How understanding helps school staff
- What can we do to make a difference?
- How does this help?
- How improving belonging for SEND children can help make teaching easier?
- What three things can you do this week to make a difference in your school? (Takeaways)
- Looking forward what else can we do to improve retention?
To book your place please click here.