Building The Future: People and AI

3rd February 2024

This event is a pivotal conference where the realms of artificial intelligence and cultural intelligence converge in the context of education. Our event offers a dual exploration. One strand delves into the ever-evolving role of people and emotional intelligence in educational settings and how we can prepare for an unknown future; the other unravels the transformative power of AI and assistive tech; hopes, fears and applications in school.

While these themes progress on separate paths, their intersection reveals exciting possibilities for the future of learning and teaching. Join us for an insightful journey through these two dynamic threads, where we'll explore, learn, and shape a future that harmoniously integrates human touch with technological innovation.

Secure your ticket today for an enlightening experience!

Ready to join us?

If you’d like to attend, book below where we can send you an invoice in your prefer. Running from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, this ticket gives access to the main event on the 3rd Feb, 2024 with tea, coffee and lunch provided.

The perfect event for Leaders in Education

This conference is perfect for headteachers, MAT CEOs and anyone interested in promoting student well-being and success in school. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from experts in the field and connect with colleagues from across the country. Join us for an unforgettable event focused on the power of belonging in schools!

Your commitment to equality and inclusivity is a commitment to a brighter future for all. We founded the GEC, brought the Collective together and work continuously to provide the best technology and resources to make your place, the place where every individual can thrive.

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Hear Ben Brown and Nic Ponsford discuss the event

“I look to the future because that's where I'm going to spend the rest of my life”

George Burns

Meet the speakers - all in the Global Equality Collective!

Nic Ponsford

Founder of the Global Equality Collective (GEC), doctorate researcher and  EdTech thought leader

Ben Brown

Connector and collaborator in the Education Roundtables - EDRT -network

Jonny Uttley

CEO, The Education Alliance Trust (TEAL, a GEC Membership Trust) and Trustee of Shine Trust

Serdar Ferit

Co-Founder and CEO of Lyfta, inclusive + immersive storytelling platform

Action Jackson

UK Ambassador for Happiness

Frances Akinde

Former headteacher and SEND Advisor

Caroline Keep

Award winning teacher, AI PhD and MakerSpace Founder

Kiran Satti

GEC Champion (Student Voice)

Pattrick Ottley O’Connor

Executive leader and coach, leadership consultant and Well-Being Supermodel



Date: 3rd February 2024

Timings: 9am to 5pm


Address: Ibis New Street Birmingham

More details here

Location Map




Spaces are limited. Book now to join us on the 3rd of February.

Ready to be inspired?

Hear what attendees of our last conference took away from it.




9.00 - Grab a hot drink and network with other delegates

9.30 - The mighty Rock Kidz get the energy going in the room for a warm-up you won’t want to miss!

Rock Kidz

9.40 - Introduction by Ben Brown, a former primary deputy headteacher with 17 years experience in schools, including working in an enhanced mainstream school - working with children with SEMH needs. He now runs Education Roundtables, a network for primary headteachers, supporting them and their schools to connect, collaborate and change.


9.45 - People: Future Perspectives

Keynote: Jonny Uttley

10.20 - AI: AI and its effects on the future of work, human connection and authenticity/truth

Keynote: Serdar Ferit

10.50 - Refreshments and networking


11.15 - AI: Using AI and AT to improve neuroinclusion

Keynote: Frances Akinde

11.50 - AI + People: Attitude set to Include - Artificial intelligence meets Cultural Intelligence

Keynote: Nic Ponsford

12.30 - Lunch (hot buffet provided) and networking


13.30 - Refocus on the afternoon sessions


13.40 - People: Active & impactful Allyship

Keynote: Patrick Ottley-O’Connor

14.15 - AI: Building AI to allow complex decision making in education (Stupid is as Stupid does)

Keynote: Caroline Keep

14.50 - Refreshments and networking


15.10 - People: The Future of Pupil Voice

Keynote: Kiran Satti

15.45 - Action Jackson



Running from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, this ticket gives access to the main event with tea, coffee and lunch provided.


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